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A step-by-step guide on how to get Keplr Wallet when minting Secret NFTs ⚛️

How to get Keplr Wallet

Complete step-by-step guide on how to get Keplr wallet. This will also give you a Secret Network address for $SCRT.

Table of content:

  • What is Keplr Wallet
  • How to get Keplr Wallet
  • Create Keplr Wallet account
  • FAQ Keplr Wallet

What is Keplr Wallet?

Keplr is a powerful open-sourced interchain wallet used in the wider Cosmos ecosystem. Keplr Wallet is a requirement to mint Secret NFTs and interacting with the Stashh Marketplace. Support for Secret NFTs in other wallets may come in the future, but is not available right now.

Besides minting Secret NFTs, you can manage assets and stake assets through Keplr Wallet. Current supported networks includes: Cosmos ($ATOM), Secret Network ($SCRT), Osmosis ($OSMO), Sentinel ($SENT), Iris Network ($IRIS), and Kava Platform ($KAVA).

Besides staking, you can also participate in governance for several networks through Keplr. In the case of Secret Network, you can also wrap $SCRT to $sSCRT using Keplr. After you set up your Keplr Wallet, you can easily check the full list of support and features available for each network.

Multi-use, and multi-chain. Keplr is a must-have if you are actively interacting with Cosmos SDK/Tendermint based dApps.

Keplr Wallet is available as:

  • Chrome browser extension (recommended)
  • Brave browser extension (not all features)

How to get Keplr Wallet?

Open another tab in your browser (Chrome recommended) and open:

Guide how to get Keplr Wallet browser extension website
Chrome is recommended to use for Keplr Wallet.

Create Keplr Wallet account

As you click on the Keplr Wallet extension, you will be prompted to create your Keplr Wallet account in a new tab.

You are presented with four different options:

  • Sign in with Google
  • Create new account
  • Import existing account
  • Import ledger

Guide how to get a Keplr wallet create account
Create a Keplr Wallet account.

In this case, click on the obvious - "Create new account". Then follow the prompted steps in the account creation process.

Remember to store your mnemonic key/seed phrase safely (and never share it with anyone, ever).

Confirm the completion of your Keplr Wallet account.

After that, you are all set - enjoy your interchain journey! Stake & Govern Cosmos-based tokens, and mint Secret NFTs. 🖤 ⚛️ 𝕊

FAQ Keplr Wallet

Why is the mnemonic key/seed phrase so important?

Your mnemonic key/seed phrase is a constellation of words that are unique to your wallet. When you get a Keplr Wallet, as part of the account creation - a mnemonic key/seed phrase is generated. These words is the only way to recover access to your wallet in case you lose access to a device, or you forget your Keplr password. Never share your mnemonic key/seed phrase.

How should I store my mnemonic key/seed phrase?

It is recommended that you write your mnemonic key/seed phrase down on a piece of paper and then store it in a safe place. Do not share your mnemonic key/seed phrase with anyone. Never take a screenshot of it, if you do, never share that screenshot with anyone.

What is the memo field in Keplr Wallet?

A memo is simply a message included with a transaction. It is sometimes needed to make sure that your transaction is identified and routed correctly.

When do I have to fill in the memo field when using Keplr Wallet?

You do not have to use the 'memo'-field when sending tokens to a non-custodial/non-exchange wallet, then it is optional

You have to use the 'memo'-field if you are sending tokens from your Keplr Wallet to a custodial/exchange (CEX) wallet. In the case of e.g. transferring from Keplr Wallet to Binance exchange, Binance will provide the memo that you need to enter in the 'memo'-field in Keplr wallet.

Can I stake tokens using Keplr Wallet?

Yes, at the time of writing this guide on how to get a Keplr Wallet, you can stake the following tokens: $ATOM, $OSMO, $AKT, $CRO, $IOV, $SIF, $CTK, $IRIS, $REGEN, $XRPT, $SENT $KAVA $IXO, $NGM, $BOOT, $BLD, and $STR.

Can I mint Secret NFTs using Keplr Wallet?

Yes, as of now, Keplr Wallet is the only wallet you can use when minting Secret NFTs.

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