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A step-by-step guide on how to buy $ATOM and swap to $SCRT in Osmosis DEX 👨‍🔬 ⚗️

The Osmosis DEX is a wonderful dApp in the Cosmos ecosystem. There you can swap loads of different tokens, including Secret Network coin, $SCRT.

In this guide, we will quickly go through how to swap $ATOM to $SCRT.


What is Osmosis DEX?

Osmosis is a decentralized exchange, a so-called DEX, running in the Cosmos blockchain. Arguably one of the brightest shining stars in Cosmos's emerging DeFi (Decentralized Finance) ecosystem.

Besides providing users like you and me an opportunity to swap tokens like, $ATOM to $SCRT, you can also participate in liquidity pools and earn LP tokens, stake assets for %APY, participate in Cosmos-related airdrops, participate in governance, and more.

The native token of Osmosis DEX is $OSMO which is used for governance and staking in the network.


Osmosis DEX landing page.


How to swap $ATOM to $SCRT?

If you have any Cosmos-based tokens, you can swap assets in the Osmosis DEX, including $SCRT. In this case, we will use the most common example, swapping $ATOM to $SCRT.

This example is the best, as $ATOM is available in almost every centralized exchange (CEX), such as Binance.

You will need a Keplr Wallet for this too, and just about any interaction with Cosmos, and Secret Network, including minting Secret NFTs.

So, if you didn't already - get Keplr Wallet.

After that:

  • Osmosis DEX -;
  • Connect your Keplr Wallet;
  • Enter the token you want to swap 'From', in this case $ATOM;
  • Enter the token you want to swap 'To', in this case $SCRT;
  • Enter the amount you want to swap;
  • Review the details, including slippage;
  • Click 'Swap'
  • Confirm and then approve TX in the prompt.
  • That's it! The $SCRT balance should display shortly in your wallet, simply change network to 'Secret Network'.

The process is the same when swapping other tokens too.


How to swap $ATOM to $SCRT.


Update to Secret Network in Keplr Wallet.


FAQ How to swap $ATOM to $SCRT using Osmosis DEX

Is Osmosis DEX safe?

Yes, Osmosis DEX uses state-of-the-art technology and has a great support network if you run into any issues. VC backing includes Paradigm, Robot Ventures, Nascent, Ethereal, and Figment.

What tokens can I swap in the Osmosis DEX?

New supported tokens are being added regularly to the Osmosis DEX. At the time of writing this you can swap: ATOM, SCRT, OSMO, ION, AKT, DVPN, IRIS, CRO, XPRT, REGEN, IOV, NGM, EEUR, JUNO, TICK, LIKE, IXO, UST, LUNA, BCNA, BTSG, XKI, KRT, MED and BOOT.

What wallets work with Osmosis DEX?

You need Keplr Wallet, the inter-blockchain wallet that is used for just about everything within Cosmos Network, including Secret Network.

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