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FunFair Games release another casino crash game: Grab Yer Booty! 🐙 💰

FunFair Games are at it again, with another casino crash game. This time it is Grab Yer Booty! Deep dive to the bottom of the sea to collect treasures in this immersive game from FunFair Technologies.

Binance Crypto Exchange

How to buy $SCRT - Secret Coin from CEX

Do you need to buy Secret Coin? I got you covered, here is a guide on how to buy $SCRT from centralized exchanges using fiat money.

Binance Crypto Exchange

A step-by-step guide on how to buy $ATOM and swap to $SCRT in Osmosis DEX 👨‍🔬 ⚗️

Step-by-step guide on how to swap $ATOM to $SCRT in Osmosis DEX. What is Osmosis DEX, and how to use it to swap Cosmos-based tokens?

Binance Crypto Exchange

A step-by-step guide on how to use SecretSwap to swap $sSCRT for minting Secret NFTs ♻️

Step-by-step guide on how to use SecretSwap, with a focus on just swapping secretTokens - with the purpose of you getting secretSCRT ($sSCRT) in order to mint Secret NFTs.

Binance Crypto Exchange

A step-by-step guide on how to convert $SCRT to $sSCRT using Keplr Wallet 🔭

$sSCRT, the secret version of $SCRT is a must if you want to mint Secret NFTs in the Secret Network. In this guide I outlined the steps to convert your $SCRT to $sSCRT using Keplr Wallet.

Binance Crypto Exchange

A step-by-step guide on how to get MetaMask Wallet 🦊

MetaMask Wallet is a must if you want to bridge your ETH, BNB, and other tokens. And who wouldn't? Privacy-preserved ETH, or BNB called sETH and sBNB - which you can use to stake or even mint Secret NFTs in the Secret Network 𝕊.

Binance Crypto Exchange

A step-by-step guide on how to get Keplr Wallet when minting Secret NFTs ⚛️

Keplr Wallet is a must if you are interacting with dApps and networks in the Cosmos ecosystem, including Secret Network, and when minting Secret NFTs. Here is a guide on how to get Keplr wallet set up.

Binance Crypto Exchange

A step-by-step guide on how to use Secret Bridge (ETH & BNB) to mint Secret NFTs

Step-by-step guide on how to use Secret Bridge to lock tokens and unlock their secret versions, the private versions. Learn how to bridge ETH, BNB, and other tokens in order to swap them to $sSCRT that you can then use to mint Secret NFTs.

Binance Crypto Exchange