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Articles about Cryptos and Blockchain.

A step-by-step guide on how to convert $SCRT to $sSCRT using Keplr Wallet 🔭

$sSCRT, the secret version of $SCRT is a must if you want to mint Secret NFTs in the Secret Network. In this guide I outlined the steps to convert your $SCRT to $sSCRT using Keplr Wallet.


A step-by-step guide on how to get MetaMask Wallet 🦊

MetaMask Wallet is a must if you want to bridge your ETH, BNB, and other tokens. And who wouldn't? Privacy-preserved ETH, or BNB called sETH and sBNB - which you can use to stake or even mint Secret NFTs in the Secret Network 𝕊.


A step-by-step guide on how to get Keplr Wallet when minting Secret NFTs ⚛️

Keplr Wallet is a must if you are interacting with dApps and networks in the Cosmos ecosystem, including Secret Network, and when minting Secret NFTs. Here is a guide on how to get Keplr wallet set up.


How to buy Samoyedcoin - $SAMO on Solana Network using a DEX

How to buy Samoyedcoin through a DEX - a step-by-step guide. I will go through how you can buy $SAMO using a DEX like Orca or Raydium in the Solana Network. In this guide I will show images from Phantom Wallet, Binance, and Orca DEX. I am hoping to grow the SAMO FAMO.


Guide: How to use Cosmos Gravity DEX and Emeris

Finally, we can use the most secure and advanced cross-chain decentralized exchange, the Cosmos Gravity DEX. In this post, I will outline how to use the Cosmos Gravity DEX using the Emeris beta app. Trade, Swap and Pool cosmos tokens, including $ATOM, $OSMO, $ION, $IRIS, $CRO, $AKT, $REGEN, $DVPN and $XPRT.